Strategic Network Design Services

Expert Solutions for Designing High-Performance Provider Networks

Set clear goals, refine strategies, and plot the fastest path to success, ensuring your network meets regulatory requirements and delivers optimal access and quality for your members.

What is Andros Network Design?​

Andros Network Design is a strategic service focused on creating provider networks that meet adequacy and access standards. We guide you in setting and refining network goals, plotting efficient pathways to achieve them, and developing comprehensive project plans for network construction.

We help healthcare payers:

  • Align network goals with organizational strategies.
  • Optimize network efficiency and performance to ensure high-quality care delivery.
  • Leverage data-driven insights for informed decision-making in network development.
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory standards and industry requirements.
  • Facilitate faster market entry and expansion with streamlined project management.

Our Proven Process

Our Network Design service is structured into three streamlined phases, each with clear objectives:

Phase One: Define Network Goals

We’ll work with you to establish the foundation of your network. This includes defining the specialty makeup, determining the best beneficiary file to use, and setting time and distance parameters. The goal is to ensure that all aspects of the network are tailored to meet your specific requirements and standards.

Phase Two: Assess Network Feasibility

We conduct thorough analyses to evaluate the potential network coverage based on different conversion rates. This involves both optimistic (100% conversion) and realistic (10% conversion) scenarios. The objective is to provide a clear understanding of network feasibility and refine goals based on these insights.

Phase Three: Develop Recruitment Strategy

We focus on prioritizing provider targets and developing a formal recruitment plan. We perform scenario modeling to understand the impact of various recruitment strategies and provide a detailed plan with key milestones and dates. The aim is to ensure the fastest and most effective path to achieving your network goals.

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Experience the Andros Difference

Our expertise stands out for its precision, leveraging advanced analytics and seasoned industry insights to create tailored, high-performance provider networks.

Strategic Goal Setting

We help clients set and refine network goals, ensuring alignment with regulatory standards and unique organizational needs.

Experienced Design Team

Our team has extensive expertise in network design, ensuring precision and strategic planning for optimal outcomes.

Pathway Planning

Our expertise allows us to plot the most efficient pathway to achieve network goals, optimizing the route to success.

Network Development Services

Unlock the Potential of Next-Gen Provider Networks

Building a robust provider network isn’t just about numbers—it’s about prioritizing quality and value to drive financial performance and marketability. At Andros, we’re more than just a service provider; we’re your strategic partner in network expansion, entering new markets, and achieving sustainable growth.

  • Omnichannel Engagement Plan
    Our targeted, data-driven recruiting ensures that we recruit the right providers for your network at the right time.
  • Real-Time Progress Reports
    With our contracting and recruiting portal, you’ll have visibility into the development of your network through real-time progress reports.
  • Experienced Recruitment Team
    Our recruiters average over 10 years of provider contracting and network management experience, ensuring speed-to-market and access to top-tier talent.

Let’s Grow Together​

Ready to take the next step? Our team is here to walk you through the ins and outs of what makes andros the new wave in healthcare services. Schedule some time with an Andros expert today and find out what we can do for you.

Built 200+ networks in all 50 states

Perform 300k credentials annually

Over 30 years combined experience

What happens next?

A member of our team will review your request and get in touch with you shortly!